Package yawPyCrypto :: Module _StreamBase :: Class OutputStream
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Class OutputStream

object --+    
StreamBase --+

Known Subclasses:

Class that implements an output stream. It accepts packets, and stores them to the stream base output data handler. This class should never be instantiated directly.
Method Summary
Initialize the output stream.
a new object with type S, a subtype of T __new__(S, ...)
Instance checking for this class.
  _feedOutput(self, ptype, pdata)
Feed packet to the output stream.
Retrieve the data from the output property as a string. (inherited from StreamBase)
  _writeOutput(self, data)
Append data to the output. (inherited from StreamBase)

Method Details


Initialize the output stream.

__new__(S, ...)

a new object with type S, a subtype of T


Instance checking for this class.

_feedOutput(self, ptype, pdata)

Feed packet to the output stream. This creates the packet header, which contains the packet type and packet length, and after that writes out the packet data.

Generated by Epydoc 1.1 on Sun Aug 17 03:32:35 2003