Package yawPyCrypto :: Module Cipher :: Class DecryptCipher
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Class DecryptCipher

             object --+    
            DecryptBase --+
     object --+           |
              |           |
     StreamBase --+       |
                  |       |
        InputStream --+   |
                      |   |
     object --+       |   |
              |       |   |
AlgoDefinitions --+   |   |
                  |   |   |
       CipherStream --+   |
                      |   |
          DecryptStream --+

Decryption cipher class. This class is the main entrypoint for all stream decryption which is to be done by yawPyCrypto. The stream which is passed using feed() to an instance of this class must have been created by EncryptCipher (or a derived class). Interfacing with this class is done similar to interfacing with the EncryptCipher class by calling the feed() and finish() methods.
Method Summary
  __init__(self, password, IV)
Initialize the decryption cipher.
a new object with type S, a subtype of T __new__(S, ...)
  feed(self, data)
Feed data to the decryption. (inherited from DecryptBase)
Finish the decryption stream. (inherited from DecryptBase)
Instance checking called by all members. (inherited from DecryptStream)
Retrieve the password this stream uses. (inherited from CipherStream)
  _encryptionEnd(self, pdata)
Read the encryption end packet. (inherited from DecryptBase)
  _encryptionHeader(self, pdata)
Reads the encryption header. (inherited from DecryptBase)
  _encryptionPacket(self, pdata)
Called when an encrypted data packet is found. (inherited from DecryptBase)
  _encryptionSignature(self, pdata)
After the encryption end packet has been processed, an encryption signature may be present, but is not in a normal encryption stream. (inherited from DecryptBase)
  _encryptionStart(self, pdata)
Start of encryption stream packet. (inherited from DecryptBase)
  _feedDecrypt(self, data)
Feed data to the decryption. (inherited from DecryptStream)
  _feedDecryptRaw(self, data)
Feed data to the decryption. (inherited from DecryptStream)
  _feedInput(self, data)
Feed input to the stream. (inherited from InputStream)
  _feedOutput(self, data)
Feed data to the output buffer. (inherited from InputStream)
  _feedPacket(self, ptype, pdata)
This method is called by InputStream to feed packets as they are found in the stream. (inherited from DecryptBase)
Finish the input stream by checking whether there is still data waiting or a continuation which is not finished. (inherited from InputStream)
  _start(self, cipher_algo, cipher_mode, IV, password, hash_algo)
Start the encryption stream with the passed in parameters, and create the crypto objects needed for the stream. (inherited from CipherStream)
Finalize the decryption stream. (inherited from DecryptStream)
Retrieve the data from the output property as a string. (inherited from StreamBase)
  _writeOutput(self, data)
Append data to the output. (inherited from StreamBase)

Method Details

__init__(self, password, IV=None)

Initialize the decryption cipher. The parameters used here are
the following:
    password - The password used on encrypting the stream. This
               must be a string of valid length for the decryption
               algorithm (which is read from the stream).
    IV - In case you passed a user-defined block chaining mode IV
         to the encryption cipher class, you must also pass it
         to the decryption. Special value None means to use the
         default IV defined in
All arguments have safe defaults except the password argument,
thus it is safe just to instantiate this class with the password

__new__(S, ...)

a new object with type S, a subtype of T

Generated by Epydoc 1.1 on Sun Aug 17 03:32:33 2003