Package yawPyCrypto :: Module Cipher :: Class ZipEncryptCipher
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Class ZipEncryptCipher

                 object --+    
                EncryptBase --+
     object --+               |
              |               |
     StreamBase --+           |
                  |           |
       OutputStream --+       |
                      |       |
     object --+       |       |
              |       |       |
AlgoDefinitions --+   |       |
                  |   |       |
       CipherStream --+       |
                      |       |
          EncryptStream --+   |
                          |   |
           ZipEncryptStream --+

Class which works similar to EncryptCipher, but streams all data through zipping on writing, so that it is in effect "randomized" on writing.
Method Summary
  __init__(self, password, cipher_algo, cipher_mode, IV, hash_algo)
See the EncryptCipher.__init__ function for an explanation of the parameters to pass to this function.
a new object with type S, a subtype of T __new__(S, ...)
  feed(self, data)
Feed data to the encryption. (inherited from EncryptBase)
Finish the encryption stream. (inherited from EncryptBase)
Instance checking done by all functions of this class. (inherited from ZipEncryptStream)
Retrieve the password this stream uses. (inherited from CipherStream)
Write out the encryption end packet. (inherited from EncryptBase)
Overridable function which writes an additional encryption header. (inherited from EncryptBase)
Write out the random first block of data. (inherited from EncryptBase)
Overridable function which writes an additional encryption signature. (inherited from EncryptBase)
  _feedEncrypt(self, data)
Feed data to the encryption, but zip it before feeding it. (inherited from ZipEncryptStream)
  _feedEncryptRaw(self, data)
Feed the passed in packet to the encryption, and return any available data which comes back from the encryption routine. (inherited from EncryptStream)
  _feedOutput(self, ptype, pdata)
Feed packet to the output stream. (inherited from OutputStream)
  _start(self, cipher_algo, cipher_mode, IV, password, hash_algo)
Start the encryption stream with the passed in parameters, and create the crypto objects needed for the stream. (inherited from CipherStream)
Stop the decryption by finalizing the zlib object. (inherited from ZipEncryptStream)
Retrieve the data from the output property as a string. (inherited from StreamBase)
  _writeOutput(self, data)
Append data to the output. (inherited from StreamBase)

Method Details

__init__(self, password=None, cipher_algo=3, cipher_mode=0, IV=None, hash_algo=5)

See the EncryptCipher.__init__ function for an explanation of the parameters to pass to this function.

__new__(S, ...)

a new object with type S, a subtype of T

Generated by Epydoc 1.1 on Sun Aug 17 03:32:33 2003